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Custom powder through expanding plug.

SKU: 91624

Custom powder through expanding plug for pistol reloading die set. We will need to know the cartridge this is for and the internal diameter you want it sized to.

Existing reviews
Excellent Expander for (mm
I had Lee Precision make me a .358 inch powder thru expander for a 38 S&W/short/long die, I use it for reloading 9mm as it goes deeper into the case and just opens the case nicely for .356 inch Coated/Plated/Lead bullets which in turn allows them to go in straight without swaging down the bullet and scraping off any coating or lead. I know there are other options out there that are a lot more money but really don't do it any better as I have found out from experience. The expander was beautifully machined and turn around time was quick and painless. I will do this again if I need to for any other cartridge's I reload it just works that well.
FRED | 1/14/2024 1:59 AM
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