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204 Ruger

The .204 Ruger is a centerfire rifle cartridge developed through a collaboration between Ruger and Hornady. Introduced in 2004, it is based on the .222 Remington Magnum case, necked down to accept a .20 caliber (5 mm) bullet. Known for its high velocity, it can achieve speeds of over 4,200 feet per second with lighter bullets, which makes it one of the fastest commercially available cartridges.
The .204 Ruger is popular among varmint hunters due to its flat trajectory, minimal recoil, and accuracy at long ranges. The high velocity results in significant kinetic energy and allows for more effective pest control of small game like prairie dogs, groundhogs, and coyotes. Its efficiency in these roles is also attributed to its ability to retain velocity and resist wind drift more effectively compared to other small-caliber cartridges.
It is important to note that while the .204 Ruger excels in varmint hunting and similar uses, it is not typically used for larger game due to its smaller bullet size and corresponding lower mass and energy transfer at the point of impact.

Die Sets
Lee RGB Die Set
Lee Full-Length Sizing Die Set
90417 (3-Die set)
Lee Breech Lock Die Set
Lee Ultimate 4-Die Set
Lee Loader
Single Dies
Full-Length Sizing Die
Ez X Expander: SE2975
Sizing Die
Neck Sizing Die
Undersize Sizing Die
Charging Die
Seating Die
Factory Crimp Die
90567 (Collet Style)
Taper Crimp Die
Inline Bullet Feed Die
Die Accessories
Guided Decapper
Case Conditioning Tools
Case Length Gauge and Shell Holder
Quick Trim Die
Reloader Press (50 RPH)
Hand Press (50 RPH)
Challenger Press (50 RPH)
Classic Cast Press (50 RPH)
Value Turret Press (250 RPH)
Classic Turret Press (250 RPH)
Ultimate Turret Press (250 RPH)
Pro 1000 Press (500+ RPH)
Pro 4000 Press (500+ RPH)
Six Pack Pro Press (500+ RPH)
Shell Plates and Holders
Priming Tool Shell Holder
90204 (#4)
Universal Press Shell Holder
90521 (R4)
X-Press Shell Holder (APP)
91537 (#4)
Pro 1000 Shell Plate
90653 (#4S)
Auto Breech | Pro 4000 Shell Plate
90630 (4)
Six Pack Pro Shell Plate
91838 (4S)
Inline Bullet Feed
Inline Bullet Feed Die
Inline Bullet Feed Kit
Inline Bullet Feed Magazine
Bullet Casting
Classic Bullet Sizing Kit
Breech Lock Bullet Sizer and Punch
Bullet Molds

Breech Lock Hand Presses

Click here to view parts

From $73.00

Challenger III

From $120.00

Primer Pocket Gauge Set


Ultimate Turret Press

From $320.00

Micrometer Adjust Screw

From $20.00

Six Pack Pro Press

From $400.00