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We can make a custom bullet seater plug to fit your bullet. For this we would need a sample bullet, payment of $8 plus shipping. Please note, 50 BMG bullet seating plug is $30.00 plus shipping.

Current lead time is 4 weeks.


SKU: 90485

Send to:
Lee Precision, Inc.
4275 County Road U
Hartford, WI 53027


To make a Custom Bullet Seating Plug we require a sample bullet to be sent to us, except for a FLAT Bullet Seating Plug.  

Please note, 50 BMG bullet seating plug is $30.00 plus shipping.

Please send your sample bullet and your invoice/order ID to:

Lee Precision, Inc.
4275 County Road U
Hartford, WI 53027

Current lead time is 4 weeks.

99% of reloaders typically use flat or round nose bullets when loading for most cartridges. The long slender points on the Hornady FTX (and similar) bullets certainly helps the ballistic performance of the round, but it does increase the overall length of the cartridge when the bullet is seated so that it is at or close to the rifling. The overall length listed is a dimension that will provide action clearance in the shortest standard magazine or feed mechanism. You do not have to observe this maximum overall dimension, and most reloaders do not, as best accuracy is obtained when the bullet is seated as close as possible to the rifling.

If it is essential that you must seat your bullet to the max overall length, or if your rifle does not allow the cartridge to feed with the longer overall length, we offer this custom bullet seating plug service. 

Existing reviews
Works great
Had one made for my 223 for 40gr Nosler BT, works great no complaints and I’ll be ordering one for my 6.5 PRC
Victor | 12/28/2023 11:19 PM
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